Legal stuff
Welcome you on our website. To access and use the Site, please read the terms and conditions of use hereby.
The online magazine Design ON Stage (and its multilingual adaptations), henceforth named “Site”, is property of Value Street and is a webzine dedicated to design and professionals of design in its full sense. It is celebrating creativity by all means, innovation, architecture, interior decoration, objects and products, including concept in a global way, artistic, musical, fashion, culinary art and international taste in general.
Value Street
SARL au capital de 7.500 euros
RCS Nanterre B 490 859 188
1 Place Paul Verlaine
92 100 Boulogne Billancourt
Tel : 01 78 53 20 40
Editorial Director
Value Street is engaged for the respect laws concerning the development and the activity of a Site.
The user of the Site recognizes to have the skill and the necessary means to access and use this Site.
Value Street reserves the right to modify or to develop at any time the services that are offered in the Site, their eventual fees and the applicable term of use.
The modifications will be effective once put online on the Site. The user is considered to agree to these modifications by continuing to use the services that are offered.
If the access to a great part of the information is free of charge, another part of it may be restricted and may also be subjected to fee conditions. This part will be explicitly mentioned and presented.
The presence of the user on our Site implies its full acceptance of all the conditions of use and the legal notices, as well as any revision or modification.
The access to (and its miltilingual adaptations) is free. The fees of access and use of the telecommunications network are in charge of every user of the Site, according to the conditions fixed by his/her Internet Access Providers and Telecommunication Operators.
We kindly remind you that by accessing or keeping connected fraudulently to an IT system, by obstructing or falsifying the functionalities of such a system, or by introducing and/or modifying fraudulently data in a computer system, you commit an offence pursuable by law.
Design ON Stage authorizes you a non-exclusive, non-transferable limited right access and use and display of the Site.
We remind you that the secret of the correspondences is not guaranteed on the Internet network and that it is up to every Internet user to take all the measures suited to protect its own data and/or software by the contamination of possible viruses circulating on Internet.
All the information presented on this Site is intended to be factually correct, precise and verified. Design ON Stage reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice, the contents or presentation of the Site.
However, Design ON Stage cannot ensure the exhaustiveness and the absence of modification by a third part (intervention, virus) and cannot be responsible of the errors, the omissions, the deficiencies or the unavailability of certain information in the update of the Site.
In addition, even though every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is accepted for any inaccuracies, the topicality, the fair and merchantable value, the quality, the correctness, the non original character and the availability in the information contained in these pages.
Our Site is not responsible for any images, or other works uploaded which may infringe upon copyright laws. We do not claim to own the rights to any of the images on our Site.
Design ON Stage declines any responsibility in case of delay, error or omission for the contents of the present pages, as well as in case of interruption or of unavailability of the service. No responsibility could be charged about consequential damage whatever they are. Users are free, and we will be pleased, to point us out eventual omissions, mistakes or amendments to take into account, by sending an email to the webmaster of the site: Our objective is to broadcast precise and up to date information. We will do our best to correct the mistakes, which will be pointed out.
The information of the present site:
- are exclusively of a general nature and do not aim the particular situation of a natural/legal entity or moral/physical person;
- are not predictably complete, exhaustive, exact or up to date;
- point sometimes out to outer sites on which Design ON Stage has no control and for which it declines any responsibility;
- do not constitute a legal notice in itself.
Our Site is not responsible for any decision taken on the basis of information contained in the pages, nor of the use which could be made by third parts, and declines any responsibility ensuing from the transmission of confidential information on the Internet network.
We wish to limit as much as possible the inconveniences caused by technical errors. However, certain data or present information on our Site may not have been created or not structured in files or sizes exempt from errors, and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or not otherwise affected by such problems. Design One Stage declines any responsibility towards similar inconveniences that can result while using this Site or any other site to which it is linked to. The present non-responsibility clause does not aim to limit the responsibility of Design One Stage in front of its legal obligations.
The Site, its general structure, as well as its contents, are the property of Value Street which is the exclusive holder of all the intellectual property rights concerning both the structure and the contents of the site (and its miltilingual adaptations) all over the world.
This whole Site is submitted to the international legislation on the copyright, the trademark and, in a general way, on the intellectual property, regarding each element of its contents (any data among which, without exhaustiveness, texts, images, drawings, graphs, photos, sound tracks…), and regarding its presentation (choices, material space dispositions, means leading to data, the organization of the data…).
Consequently, the general structure, as well as the software, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics, videos and all other elements composing this Site, are of the exclusive use of Value Street.
Any type of reproduction, total or partial (pages, data and any other constitutive element, such as logos, marks and copyrights) of this site, by any processes or means whatever they are, without express authorization of Value Street, is forbidden and would constitute a forgery sanctioned by articles L335-2 and following ones of the French Code of the Intellectual property.
Upon request and after having obtained the authorization from Design ON Stage, a user can promote any information found on (and its miltilingual adaptations), on the Internet space he/she has a complete license of use (blog among others). In this case the user will have both to mention the information source and to put a link to the URL page containing the related information.
The Design ON Stage brand name presents on (and its miltilingual adaptations), along with Design ON Stage “logo” appearing on the Sites, are registered trademarks/brand.
Any reproduction of these trademarks or these logos, total or partial, starting from the elements of the site without the express authorization and the prerequisite of Value Street, is thus prohibited, according to the article L713-2 of the French Code of the Intellectual property.
Similarly, any use of the content and Site for illegal purposes will be the subject of judicial measures toward the offenders.
By exception, certain content (texts, images) are the property of their respective authors. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this Site in any external support and/or media or by any process whatsoever, as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or provision of thirds of some way whatsoever, are prohibited.
The non-observance of this prohibition constitutes an infringement likely to engage the responsibility of the civil and criminal liability of counterfeiter.
Hypertext links created from (and its miltilingual adaptations) in direction of other sites cannot in any case, engage the responsibility of Value Street, in particular but in a non-exclusive way, for the content of these sites.
The users and visitors of the Site cannot establish a hyperlink to (and its miltilingual adaptations) without the express prior authorization of Design ON Stage. For this please send a mail at this address:
This site does not collect any other data except the IP addresses intended for purely technical use and necessary to produce consultations’ statistics.
The general conditions of use of this web site are regulated by the French Law. Any user recognizes the competence of the Court of “Tribunal du Commerce de Paris” for everything that concerns the content and the use of the site or remedies arising.